Personal Information
- Born: 20th of October 2000
- Father: Coonshine’s Skagway, MCO n 23
- Mother: Guldfakse’s Tuchahoe, MCO n
- FD LO 106648
- Color: MCO n 22
- Genotype: AaDdiisstbtbwwoo
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy DNA, MyBCP3: HCM N/N
- PKD and HCM Scan 2003: Negative
- HCM Scan 2008: Negative
- From litter of 7, males: 1 x a, 1 x a 22; females; 1 x n, 3 x n 22, 1 x n 23
- Breeder: Ingrid Kristensen
Litter Information
- C-Litter, 18-04-2002, Guldfakse’s Little Bear’s Moon
- E-Litter, 30-01-2003, Belushie’s Utah
- F-Litter, 20-11-2003, Tappernøje’s Snowfox
- M-Litter, 07-12-2005, Alleyoon’s Bright Star
Pedigree information
- 100% is traced to Foundation
- Inbreeding (5 generations): 2.73%
- Clones = 48.4%
- Top2 = 47.6%
- Top3 = 63.2%
- Top5 = 78.2%
- Pawpeds pedigree