Personal Information
- Born: 31th of July 2005
- Father: Belushies Utah, MCO es 22
- Mother: Bonnie Snowchild of Gentle Lions, MCO f 09 22
- FD LO 136777
- Color: MCO n 09
- Genotype: aaDdiisstb-Wwoo
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy DNA, MyBCP3: HCM N/N
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Screening 2006: Negative
- PK Deficiency Screening 2006: Negative
- From litter of six: males: n 09, ns 09, n 09 22; females: d 09, d 09 22, ds 09 22
- Breeder: Ingrid Kristensen